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Mould and Fungi

  • Is Time To Waterproof Your HDB or Condo Bathroom For Long Term Benefits

    Is Time To Waterproof Your HDB or Condo Bathroom For Long Term Benefits

    Waterproofing your toilet ceiling is crucial in humid places like Singapore, where leaks and mold can become big problems. There are two main types of...

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  • What happen if my HDB toilet ceiling has seepage from neighbour upstairs?

    What happen if my HDB toilet ceiling has seepage from neighbour upstairs?

    In the densely populated Housing and Development Board (HDB) communities of Singapore, where residents live in close proximity, maintaining harmonious relationships can be challenging, especially...

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  • What happen next if you have mould infestation in your HDB?

    What happen next if you have mould infestation in your HDB?

    Managing mould in HDB flats requires a combination of vigilant maintenance, understanding legal responsibilities, and implementing effective remediation strategies. By adhering to these guidelines, residents...

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  • Pico X Health Mould and Efflorescence

    Walls with white patches? They may not be mould.

    When unsightly patches appear on walls, floors, or ceilings, it’s crucial to identify whether you're dealing with efflorescence or mould, as each requires different treatment...

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  • How to keep your ceiling looking new and mould-free.

    How to keep your ceiling looking new and mould-free.

    Regular inspections and prompt cleaning are key strategies that will help keep your ceilings healthy and clean. Remember, when in doubt, consult with a professional...

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  • Pico X anti mould paint

    Do Coatings and sealers stop seepage?

    the quest to maintain a dry, healthy home environment, understanding and addressing the root causes of water seepage is crucial. Despite the popular belief that coatings...

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  • Pico X Mould Prevention Sealant

    Why antimould paint would fail most of the time.

    Mould is a common problem in many households and buildings. It's not just an aesthetic issue—mould can have serious health implications, including respiratory issues and...

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  • The Hidden Health Hazards: How Mould Can Trigger Various Illnesses

    The Hidden Health Hazards: How Mould Can Trigger Various Illnesses

    Mould, a type of fungus that thrives in damp environments, is more than just an unsightly nuisance. 

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  • Protect your health with Pico X Mould Prevention Service

    Protect your health with Pico X Mould Prevention Service

    Mould infestation is a common problem in many homes, especially in areas with high humidity. 

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